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Pets Add Life, and Laughter, and Giggles, and Smiles.

Everyone that reads this blog has no doubt that Leroy and Sherman add many things to my life.  From laughter, to comfort, to humor, to amazing memories, these dogs make my life awesome.

I’m the type of person who needs laughter in my life. Laughter keeps me going and if I can’t find humor in everyday life then what’s the point?

Having Leroy in my life provides me with the majority of that laughter and humor and as long as he is in my life I can guarantee that a day won’t go by without a few good chuckles for me and for my family.

Take the other day for example when the whole family was sitting on the couch watching a movie and about 1/2 way into the movie here comes Leroy, who had just woke up from his nap, bounding into the family room.

He comes in all happy and go lucky swinging his tail a mile a minute knocking over all of our drinks that were sitting on the coffee table. Then proceeds to go around to each one of us and stick his big nose in all of our faces.

What ya doin?

After he made his rounds he scoped out the seating arrangements on the couch and then jumped up on the only available spot left.

He completely destroyed his area of the couch as he tried to make his spot all nice and cozy. You see, Leroy gets in fights with the couch cushions. He digs and paws at them until he can get them in the perfect spot, which is quite a sight to see a 150 pound dog assaulting a couch.

In this case we had to pause the movie, first, because we had to clean up the spilled pop that his tail knocked over and second, because the couch was violently shaking which was making it difficult to see the movie and third, because we all just couldn’t stop staring at him in disbelief of the assault he was inflicting on our couch.

“Should we help him?” Gracie asked.

‘Absolutely not, this is better than watching the movie.” Bobby responded.

Which made us all let out a chuckle.

So after about 10 minutes of assaulting the couch Leroy finally got the cushions the way he wanted them, which was mostly on the floor, and we could all go back to watching our movie……………until he decided it was time to bark at the dogs in the movie.

I guess you could, at the very least, say that he provided us with an entertaining and humorous intermission of our movie.

So what do your dogs do to keep you laughing day in and day out? Join the hop below and share your story or leave us a comment!

This post is a part of the  Pets Add Life Campaign and the folks over at Pets Add Life have a lot of great things going on right now!

First, they are running a contest right now where shelters have a chance to win a grand prize of $10,000!! Second runner up wins $3,000 and third runner up wins $2,000. Voting is open through November 16th and the winners will be announced on November 19th.

Did you know that November 19th is National Get A Pal For Your Pet Day? Hmmm……………… wonder if I should get a Newfie pal for Leroy? (kidding)

They also are sponsoring a poetry contest for kids in grades third through eighth!  If you know a child within that age group you should encourage them to enter, because it’s so important for kids to join in this campaign too! Bobby is working really hard on his poem about Gibby and hopefully I’ll be able to share it with you soon!

This post is being sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association.  I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership.

Sharing is caring!

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Sunday 11th of November 2012

I'm thinking we need a movie with Leroy and the couch! I can just picture him with all his insanity as he weaves his path of destruction through the house!


Sunday 11th of November 2012

That must have been so funny, well not the spilled drinks bit - you must have massive sofas in your house to fit the whole family including the dogs?

Wags to all,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Mango Momma

Saturday 10th of November 2012

I have to say that for entertainment, Mango had it over Dexter. He, too, would worry over getting his sleeping places just right with several false starts and knocking about of furniture in the process. Dexter is much more controlled and deliberate.

Mango Momma


Friday 9th of November 2012

We don't have TV anymore...who needs it with 2 dogs. Constant them and love your big Newfs too!

Two French Bulldogs

Friday 9th of November 2012

You're right. Mom says we make her laugh every day. Benny & Lily

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