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The Camera Does Not Like My Dog

In my very short experience in photography I have noticed that the camera either likes or doesn’t like it’s subject. There’s no in the middle.

Some people may argue that any good photographer has the skill to get the camera to like it’s subject and while that may be the case in some instances, it is not in mine. I’m an amateur and still learning.

My camera does not like Sherman and Sherman does like the camera, which is why you don’t see him on the blog as much as you see Leroy. Leroy is extremely photogenic. The camera loves him and he loves the camera. I don’t have to do much talking when Leroy is featured here. His pictures speak for themselves and his personality shines right through them.

Sherman is a different story. The camera sees him as a big pile of mush, it does nothing for his sweet disposition and beautiful eyes.

I have hundreds of pictures of Sherman and maybe 5 are keepers. No matter how hard I try, no matter what steps I take, I can’t get his personality to shine through the lens.

Until the other day. I got the perfect shot of him.

It may not be perfect by photography standards, but it’s perfect for me. It’s what I see everyday. His sweet face, his sweet expression and his beautiful, big brown droopy eyes. It shows his innocence and his soul.

He was trying to find a bird that he heard chirping in the trees.

Birds are his favorite. They intrigue him. He doesn’t try to catch them, he just wants to get to know them better.

I see this expression on his face every day and this is the picture that I always have in my head of him. This is Sherman and now I have it on film.

So how about you? Do you ever feel that the camera does not do your dog justice?

Sharing is caring!

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Saturday 11th of August 2012

Awww what a sweet photo. Sherman likes birdies. Awwww. :)

Waggin at ya, Roo


Saturday 11th of August 2012

thank you Roo!


Thursday 9th of August 2012

Those are great photos of Sherman! I do have trouble photographing my boys - because Buster is black and Ty is tan it's really hard to have both of them look good given that I'm usually working with just natural light. Adjusting things in my photo editing software helps some, but I love those days when the stars align and both the boys look great.


Wednesday 8th of August 2012

I realised that Eva is photogenic only when she's alert, so for example, when a car gets her attention, or when there's food involved. And most of the time, you can only see her real personality when the camera is not there! So, sometimes it is hard to get a pretty photo of her...because many of them end up with her looking rather ugly!! LOL


Wednesday 8th of August 2012

Chico is mostly black, so it's hard to get a good photograph. I feel like his dark eyes blend into his face in pix.

Shiver, on the other hand, is reddish colored and tends to looks better in photos. He doesn't like the camera though.


Wednesday 8th of August 2012

Sherman is SO HANDSOME!! Just keep taking pictures! The more you take, the better you get! Are you a canon or a nikon girl? I use my AV setting and always try to focus on the eyes - it takes a while to get the hang of photographing dark dogs - I love every single one of these!!

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