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What Would Your Name Be If Your Dog Had Chosen It?

I love infographics and this one from Pet 365 has got to be my all time favorite. I mean who doesn’t like to talk about dog names? As pet owners, most of us put a lot of time and effort into picking the perfect name for our dogs.  I personally think I did a pretty good job picking out my dog’s names, well except for Plunger’s name. Poor Plunger, forever named after a plumbing tool.

Dog Names

Dog names graphic produced by Matt Beswick for Pet365. Click here to view the original post.

Now the question is, what name would they pick for me if they could?

I think Leroy would pick a goofy name for me, something like Petunia. He would pick that just so life would be difficult for me, that’s how he rolls. (no offense to anyone named Petunia.) Sherman would pick a sweet name for me like, Sugar or Precious. Plunger, well Plunger would pay me back big time, he would name me something like Flush or Skid Mark.

What about you? What name do you think your dog would pick for you?

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Misty Shores Chesapeakes

Saturday 1st of September 2012

Great post Jen and skid mark...too funny!

I think mine would name me Meal Time or Bone because I honestly think they look at me as a big food and treat dispenser ;)


Saturday 1st of September 2012

I left woods walks out because that is a complete different set of rules, emotions. And beauty :-)


Saturday 1st of September 2012

I'm going to go with things the dogs know so Mica who is loving, gentle, cuddly and rarely ever bad. When I walk in her eyes light up, her tail wags gently and she smiles. Something that would make her smile would be a cool breeze. I think Mica would name me Breeze. Lexie has always been one to argue. She minds very well, doesn't break rules, watches over everything and love us a lot. However Lexie's opinion I'm sure is always opposite of mine and she tells me. Going with things she knows I think she would name me Storm. One who stirs things up to disagree with. Come to think of it those would be perfect names for all of us ;)


Friday 31st of August 2012

Petunia is actually pretty cute! Our neighbors have a cat named Dumpster (because they found him in a dumpster) poor kitty. He is the bad boy on the street, I think it's because he is pissed off about his name!

I'm not sure I want to know what Cali would name me ;)

Jana Rade

Friday 31st of August 2012

That is a good question, what would Jasmine name me? Firstly, I think dog would be more likely to use "native Indian" type of names than the typical ones. That's my theory, anyway. It makes sense to me that if a dog was to give a name, they'd want it to describe some meaning.

Going with that theory, I guess I'd be named either "The sucker who does everything I ask her to" or "The kind provider". I'd be more partial to the latter.

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