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Here I Come To Save The Day!

Newfoundland dog dressed as Super Dog for Halloween

Meet my super dog.

Super Leroy.

Super Leroy is modeling his Halloween Costume that we won a few weeks ago from Keep the Tail Wagging. 

I usually don’t enter contests for Halloween costumes because, well, there are no costumes big enough for BIG dogs:(

Newfie in Super Dog Halloween Costume

There’s really not.

Last year I had to buy Leroy’s devil costume in an adult size medium at Target.

Which is why I have no idea why I entered the contest, but I did, and then I won.

So when the very nice representative from contacted me asking which pet costume I would like, I had to ask her for help. I explained that I had a 140 pound Newfoundland and that I wasn’t sure if they had a pet costume that would fit him.

Newf in Super Dog Halloween Costume

She laughed and suggested the Superman costume since the cape is adjustable and the other various pieces just attach to the dog’s collar, ……… and because 2012 is totally the year of the super dog costume!

I have to say this is the first pet costume that I have seen fit a Newfoundland halfway decent.

The super awesome thing about this costume, that probably only I would notice, is that the cape can double as an emergency drool wiper in certain situations.

Newfoundland Dog dressed in Super Dog Halloween Costume

Now some would wonder why Sherman isn’t wearing the superman costume and, well……….. if you look closely at the window in the above picture you can see Sherman was wondering the same thing.

While Sherman is of course my hero, he did not look half as hilarious as Leroy did in the costume.

I’m being honest here.

Leroy displays the costume in true super dog force .

Just look at him coming to save the day.

Newfie as super dog

My little super dog.

Yep, that’s Leroy.


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Tuesday 23rd of October 2012

We have the same costume for Des this year!


Tuesday 9th of October 2012

LOL! Using the cape as a drool wiper is brilliant. Leroy may have to wear that long after Halloween has come and gone.

Karen and Gerard

Monday 8th of October 2012

Looks like the perfect costume for Leroy--I think he even likes it!

Kolchak, Felix & Jodi

Monday 8th of October 2012

Leroy is rocking that cape! Forget the man of steel, the NEWF of steel gets my vote!

SUGAR: goldenwoofs

Monday 8th of October 2012

Woof! Woof! So CUTE! I also have my Superman costume (I wore for many many years). Happy MM. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

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