The other day I went out to my sad garden to collect the very few vegetables that my garden giving me this year.
I took a colander out with me in hopes that I would be able to fill it with a nice summer harvest, or at least a few cucumbers, tomatoes and maybe some corn.
I was sadly disappointed with my harvest of 1 small, but pleasantly plump, cucumber and 2 overly ripened tomatoes.
It has not been a good garden year for us but every weekend I go out with hope that I will have enough vegetables to at least make a salad for myself.
So far that has not happened.
Anyway, I sadly put my plump cucumber and 2 overly ripened tomatoes into the colander and disappointingly shuffled to the backyard.
I set the colander on the patio table and then ran inside.
I was gone for less than 20 seconds and I came back out to this numskull:
The tomatoes were smashed by his paws and the cucumber was under the colander on his head.
He doesn’t even like vegetables.
Of course I laughed my butt off and did what any other person would do, I left the colander on his head and ran inside to get my camera.
He was still sitting there with it on his head when I came back out.
Oh Leroy.
You make my job too easy.
Welcome to the MONDAY MISCHIEF Pet Blog Hop! The hop that wraps up the weekend!
Jen Gabbard
Tuesday 18th of August 2015
Such a character - I don't know if I would have been able to stop laughing long enough to get a photo.
JeanneP of bichonpawz
Tuesday 18th of August 2015
Perfectly awesome! He is such a goof! I just love him?
Tuesday 18th of August 2015
Where would we be without them giving us this type of stuff to blog about?
Tuesday 18th of August 2015
It's been a bad year for things to grow. John usually has so many tomatoes we have to give some away. First the flowers and tomatoes started great when we planted them and got some rain. Then (because of Aspen, John had to plant them in a tub) so they started drowning. We had to try to make holes in the tub for the water to drain. we've gotten a couple large ones and 3 or 4 bite size:(
Jan K
Monday 17th of August 2015
LOL...he certainly does, doesn't he? How on earth did he get that on his head? My garden is pretty pathetic and disappointing most of the time too. Right now I am beyond excited about the two tomatoes that are almost ready to pick (we have been getting lots of green beans though). I can't ever seem to get tomatoes or green peppers to do well. I gave up on cucumbers after some really disgusting bugs took over the plants last year! Thank goodness for farm stands...and dogs that make us laugh!