It seems like everybody is skipping Thanksgiving and moving straight on to Christmas.
Everywhere we go it’s Christmas this and Christmas that.
This weekend, at our local mall, they woke up Santa Claus. I’m pretty sure Santa wanted to sleep until the day before Thanksgiving.
I walked into Sears and they were playing Christmas music. I walked right out.
The center of town is all decorated for Christmas and when I drive by I do my best not to look. I’d rather see some turkeys and pilgrims around town.
I want to deck the halls too, but after Thanksgiving.
All Sherman and I want to think about right now is eating turkey and all the fixins. The thought of the house filled with the smell of pure goodness. All. Day. Long.
Deciding who’s going to say grace this year before we dig in. Which pie are we going to have for dessert? And the anticipation of a ginormous turkey sandwich loaded with mayo at night.
We’re going to let our mouth salivate for that day…..then we’ll move on to the hustle and bustle of that C word. How about you?
Thursday 12th of November 2015
I'm with you...sheesh, can we please enjoy the stress free holiday before we go big to the other one? Ugh. Now where are my pumpkin spices to make that pie...? :)
Cathy Armato
Tuesday 10th of November 2015
It gets earlier every darn year doesn't it?? I love Thanksgiving, & I'm not quite ready for Christmas! Heading to the mall later today, thanks for the warning! Love & biscuits, Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Monday 9th of November 2015
I'm with you girlfriend - I can't think about decking those halls until after my Turkey dinner.
Dachshund Nola
Monday 9th of November 2015
People want Christmas earlier and earlier! I love Christmas, but when it starts on November 1st, it's tiresome by December 25th.
Melissa & Mudpie
Monday 9th of November 2015
I have to be the one dissenter here. I adore Christmas, it's my very favorite time of year, and I want to enjoy my decorations for as long as possible. That means I start decorating right about now. I want to hear Christmas music and see Christmas merchandise in the stores for as long as possible. The season goes by WAY too fast so the sooner it starts the better for this girl! Turkey and Santa can co-exist :)