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4 Easy Ways To Check Your Dog’s Heart Rate And Other Vitals From Home.

If you own a pet, you should know how to check their vitals from home. 

Knowing how to check your dog’s temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and capillary refill time can be beneficial for you to know in case your dog becomes sick or injured and it’s super easy to learn so grab a watch with a second hand and let’s get started!


How to Check Your Dog’s Heart Rate

a regular heart rate in adult dogs can be 60-160

A dog’s heart rate can be as different as the dog itself so it’s important to know what your dog’s regular heart rate is.

There are a few different ways you can check this:

With your dog laying on his left side place your hand on his chest under his left arm.

You can also feel the shoulder blade and move your hand down until you feel the heart beating or you can gently bend their elbow to their chest and that’s just about where the heart should be.

I like to use my index and middle finger instead of my whole hand.

Count the beat for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 OR count the beats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2.

You can also check the pulse from your dog’s back leg.

Simply place your 2 fingers on the inner part of your dog’s thigh, just about where his thigh meets his body.

checking dog's pulse from back leg

You should feel the femoral artery pulsing and then count the pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

A pulse happens with every heartbeat.

Normal heart rates can vary from dog to dog but according to Vetinfo, a regular heart rate in adult dogs can be 60-160, higher for toy breeds.

How to Check Your Dog’s Respiratory Rate

normal respiratory rate for a dog with 10-30  breaths per minute is considered normal.

Respiratory rate is the number of breaths that your dog is taking.

How many times his chest moves up and down in 60 seconds. 

It’s very simple to check.

Focus on your dog’s chest and watch how many times it rises and falls.

When I was monitoring surgery at the animal hospital we count for 15 seconds and then multiply that number by 4.

You can also monitor for 30 seconds and multiply by 2.

Do it twice to make sure your numbers are close.

person checking dog's breathing

According to the Vetinfo,  a normal respiratory rate for a dog with 10-30  breaths per minute is considered normal.

This is for a resting dog.

Not for a dog that is panting.

Not for a dog that has been out running a marathon.

If a dog is panting like crazy and having a hard time breathing you shouldn’t be counting breaths, you should be on your way to the emergency clinic.

How To Check Your Dog’s Capillary Refill Time

checking dog's gums

This is checking the color of your dog’s gum and it’s quite easy.

With your dog relaxed simply pull up his lower lip and press the pink area of his gums with your forefinger.

When you press on the gums the color should go white but return back to the normal pink color within about 2 seconds.

While you’re in there slide your finger across his gums and see if they feel moist or tacky.

A tacky feel could indicate that your dog is dehydrated.

Checking your dog’s capillary refill time is basically checking their blood flow.

If your dog has black pigment in his mouth and there is no pink, many veterinarians suggest that you can gently pull the lower eyelid down and assess the color of the tissue.

How To Check Your Dog’s Temperature

normal temperature for a dog can range from 100-102 Fahrenheit in most dogs.

I always save temperature for last because I figure that is the most uncomfortable thing for the dog.

Digital thermometers tend to be the most commonly used and the most accurate for taking a dog’s temperature.

First, if someone is around to help distract and hold the dog that can make the process easier for you and the dog.

Next, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or regular K-Y jelly.

Slowly insert the thermometer into the dog’s rectum and leave in place until the beep.

According to Vetinfo, a normal temperature for a dog can range from 100-102 Fahrenheit in most dogs.

Giant breed dogs may run a little higher.

Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol after use and put back in your dog medical box.

Don’t put it back in your medicine cupboard.

My kids are terrified that I do this. I promise I don’t.

A dog that has a history of other medical issues may require further checks.

Since Leroy has IBD, I also check to make sure that his stomach isn’t making too many noises and that there hasn’t been any recent diarrhea.

I’ll also monitor his eating habits for the day.

Doing a quick check of your dog’s vitals takes only a few short minutes and knowing what is regular for a dog can help you assess his condition on those days when they seem off. 

This isn’t meant to replace veterinarian care it’s to help you become more educated on your dog’s health and to have a basis on what a normal vital is for your dog.

Don’t forget, you can always ask your veterinarian to show you how to take your dog’s vitals on your next visit!

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Thursday 21st of April 2016

Great information to know. The other day Jax was acting weird, He wasn't himself. I started to have flashbacks of Leo, worked myself into a tizzy and took him to the vet the next day. $71.00 later I left with a dog in perfect health. Could have checked vitals at home, Thanks to you, I can do it myself now...


Tuesday 12th of April 2016

Thanks for this informative article. It will definitely keep me right when caring for my cocker spaniel winnie. She's getting on now and I'm more and more worried about her health.

Monika & Sam

Friday 8th of April 2016

This is fabulous info! I'm saving the how to's for those days when the mom in me sends out the 'Danger Will Robinson' alert. Well done, Jen! :)


Friday 8th of April 2016

What a wonderful post. This is such helpful information. My little guy is prone to getting sick. It's going to be great checking his vitals now!


Thursday 7th of April 2016

Really helpful post. I'm going to have to share this with my readers. While we've touched on dog health, we haven't covered how to check their vitals. Many thanks!


Friday 8th of April 2016

Thanks Toni!

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