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Two Steps Forward And One Step Back, Again.


We had a pretty relaxing Thanksgiving. It was just the 6 of us and we did the normal.

Woke up, had a big breakfast, got the stuffing ready, stuffed the bird and put the bird in the oven.

While the bird was getting it’s cook on we watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and then the dog show.

We stayed in our p.j’s most of the day and just relaxed and ate.

Dinner was great and we had good conversations and laughed.

After dinner we headed to my parents house for some pie.

If it was just the 4 of us, I could say that it was a pretty simple day with no issues.

But it’s not just the 4 of us, it’s the 6 of in the house.

And the other 2 of us may have had some minor issues.


Leroy’s Issue:

It’s always 2 steps forward and 1 step back with Leroy.


I’ve been working hard with him.

The last few weeks we’ve been getting to know other by taking the Dognition Assessment. We had a lot of fun and I learned some of the reasoning behind the way Leroy processes things and puts them into action. I felt like I had a good grip on him.

He even demonstrated how he can fight the urge against french fry theft by not stealing french fries off the kitchen table, even though they were sitting right in front of his face mocking him.

That was a super proud moment for me and I shared it far and wide.

My proud moment was shattered on Thanksgiving when Leroy stole 1/2 a loaf of stuffing bread off the kitchen table and tried to hide it in his ginormous mouth.

Luckily my husband alerted me to the theft and I was able to dig most of the bread out from the roof of his mouth.

I’ll admit that it was kind of funny because he had so much bread in his mouth that he didn’t know what to do with it but deep down inside it hurt a little. It was a fail and erased all of the things that I thought we had accomplished over the last few months. Leroy still can’t be 100% trusted.


Sherman’s Issue.

Sherman’s issue wasn’t really his doing but it upset him quite a bit which made it seem like my fail.

For the past few years Sherman has become more sensitive to certain sounds. Fireworks, thunder, loud beeps all make him very nervous. It’s been getting worse and most of the time I’m able to settle him down when I know the sounds are coming.

When I don’t know that the sounds are coming we usually have a very panicked Sherman on our hands.

On Thanksgiving we had a very panicked Sherman on our hands.

After I had secured our turkey dinner and all the fixings we headed to my parents house.

When we came home later that night Sherman came busting out of the door as soon as it opened. He was 1/2 way down the driveway before I could grab him and when I did I could tell that he was a nervous wreck.

He was breathing heavy and covered in nervous slobber.

At first I thought, “What the heck is going on in the house?” Then I thought, “Oh god, Leroy opened the fridge and ate all the turkey.”

But when I went inside Leroy was sleeping and there was no sign of a turkey invasion.

Then as I looked backed at the worried expression on Sherman’s face, it hit me.

“Something’s beeping in the house.”

And sure enough, as I listened closely, I could here the smoke alarm beeping every few minutes due to a low battery. We had just gone through this a few months ago with the carbon monoxide detector and Sherman had the same reaction.

I ran upstairs and took the battery and told Sherman all was good.

He calmed down after a few hours, after he realized the beeping wasn’t coming back, but I felt so bad for him. I can imagine that he felt so trapped when the beeping started and judging by his reaction when we got home,  all he wanted was to get the heck out of the house as fast as he could.

Another step back.

I guess the boys thought that our Thanksgiving was a little too uneventful for their liking.

That’s alright though, I was feeling a little odd that the holiday went off without a hitch too 😉

So how about you? How was your Thanksgiving? Any bread thieves at your table? Any dogs wanting to break out of the house?

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Jan K

Saturday 3rd of December 2016

Ugh....smoke alarms....I hate them! Could we get rich inventing one that does not beep when the battery is low? Our late beagle Kobi was scared of nothing, and I mean nothing, except that smoke alarm. It would often go off if I was using the oven. It got to the point where as soon as I turned the oven on, Kobi would start shaking and hiding. Now I get the same thing with Luke. We did discover that there are alarms that don't react to heat like the heat from ovens. But I got home from work one day to find all of the dogs upset and it was because of the low battery beep. :(

Callie, Shadow, and Ducky's Mom

Monday 28th of November 2016

Callie was my nervous girl when the loud noises started, or when the barometric pressure started dropping. As long as I was around to cling to, she was able to settle down a bit; but the dog daddy just didn't have the magic touch. Shadow gets a little upset at really close thunder - and fireworks - but settles down fairly quickly. Ducky just barks back at the noises. ?


Monday 28th of November 2016

It's funny, Sherman usually looks to my husband for comfort with the beeping from the alarms. I think it's because the first time it happened my husband took care of it and Sherman knew it! Now I have to teach him how to comfort Sherman the correct way. Lol


Monday 28th of November 2016

Part of a dog's job is to keep humans on their toes at all times. Never let the guard down or we will find something to rile you up. Glad nothing terrible happened.


Monday 28th of November 2016

You are right on the money with that!

M. K. Clinton

Monday 28th of November 2016

Neither of the boys can be trusted when it comes to food. Bentley would steal from anyone's plate or table without an ounce of regret. He is my baby when it comes to storms and fireworks. We are in the middle of a thunderstorm now. He has had his Relax and is wearing his Thundershirt. Mostly, he just wants to lay in between me and my husband on the couch. ♥


Monday 28th of November 2016

Yeah. I let myself get too relaxed with Leroy. I should know better by now.

I hope the thunderstorm has passed and Bentley is sound asleep now!


Monday 28th of November 2016

Poor Sherman...and perhaps poor Leroy that he took more than his mouth could handle, his stomach surely was grateful.

Oohhh the beeps...I'd never had a dog afraid of sounds until I got a fancy pressure cooker a couple years ago that has an auto release, so the steam unexpectedly comes out in different time increments, and it beeps, a lot, the Li's were fine with my old one, but no more. As a result, they're now afraid of pretty much anything that beeps, and I feel so bad when I've got long days in the kitchen, they literally run around trying to find the quietest hiding spot.

Then we got Hay-Li, who's oddly enough, afraid of almost everything BUT the pressure cooker. We had a smoke detector battery issue two weeks ago that didn't go over well either. It's at the point I wish there was a way to silence, or even change the sounds/tone, of things that beep. Life is also not awesome when I didn't know rain/storms were coming, so forgot to Thundershirt Hay-Li, and I'm woken up at 3am with her in a sheer panic. Since her meds take an hour to work, it's tough. Hard enough trying to comfort an 11 pound dog, can't imagine Sherman!

Hay-Li got a little nervous on Thanksgiving because a lot was going on the last hour, so she had to eat her dinner in a quiet spot, but everything else went quite smoothly. My stress didn't come until the OSU game Saturday!! I probably knocked a few years off my heart's expiration date that day!


Monday 28th of November 2016

I hear you about that game! What is with these Ohio teams trying to give us heart attacks this year?! I hope you and your dad had fun at the game! I loved the picture you posted on IG!

Give those girls a hug for me too! They remind me of Sherman and Leroy just in smaller bodies and less drool!

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