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‘Till Newf Do Us Part

Last weekend my husband and I had a “date” night.

It wasn’t anything romantic, we were headed to a pig roast,  but both the kids were away for the evening so we had worries of having

to be home at a certain hour of the night to pick them up or deal with their teenage shenanigans.

We had planned to stay at the pig roast for just an hour or two but we wound up staying for more like 5 hours. We were having a nice time and we were surrounded by good people.

On our way home my husband stopped at the gas station to pick up some beer.

When he came back to the car he handed me a rose.

It was the sweetest gesture and it made me smile.

We’ll be married for 18 years this September and while things aren’t always easy, they are still good.

I feel quite lucky that my husband chose to marry me with all my quirks and is still with me despite of them.

I also feel quite lucky that he’s accepted the Newfie lifestyle that he unknowingly entered into in when we got married.

I tried to explain it to him but I think he thought that I was over exaggerating a little.

The Newfie lifestyle is something you can’t really explain, you have to live it to understand it.

While he’s come a long way in that department, he still has some questionable moments arise and that tells me that he’s accepted it but he’s not exactly in the same place as I am with it.

Take for example the other day when I got mad at one of the dogs.

Well everyone knows that you can’t REALLY get mad at a Newf because then they’ll get mad at you and you’ll never live it down and they’ll roll over like you just ripped their heart out.

So instead I redirected my anger towards my husband.

“Don’t be mad at me because you’re mad at the dog.” he said.

Instead of giving that  crazy statement a response I glared at him and thought to myself,


That’s how this works. That’s how all of this works.

Hello. We’ve doing this for almost 18 years now. It was in our wedding vows.

I promise to love, honor and take the heat for the Newfs.

The other example was when Leroy’s eyelid tumor fell off.

I didn’t know that it had fallen off but it did and it was sitting on the floor.

My husband asks, “What is that black thing on the ground that looks like a raisin?”

“I don’t know.” I said as I bent down to take a look.

Then of course I touched it.

Then I realized that it looked familiar and I walked over to Leroy and looked at his eye.

“It’s Leroy eye tumor.” I shouted.

Then I heard my husband dry-heaving.

He dry heaves a lot with the Newfs.

He did it a few months ago when we were cleaning up Leroy after he had an accident.

My husband was spraying Leroy’s back-end with the house and I was holding up Leroy’s tail.

As soon as the water hit Leroy’s butt hole he started pooping and my husband dropped the hose and started dry-heaving.

Hahahaha. It still makes me laugh.

Oh….he did it the other day in the grocery store too.

Apparently I had a fresh slobber string on the back of shirt because I gave Sherman a hug before I left.

My husband pointed it out and I told him to wipe it off.

He said he wasn’t touching it with his hand so I reached around my back and wiped it off and accidentally flung it on his leg.

He started gagging right in the middle of the grocery store.

How embarrassing.

With that being told, even with the dry heaving, my husband is the only person in the world that I trust enough to care for Sherman and Leroy if I couldn’t and he would do it to the best of his ability.

Not my ability, but he’d do his best and I’m good with that.



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Jan K

Wednesday 1st of August 2018

Oh, I had to laugh at this one! I never had dogs before marrying my hubby. He was the dog person and had to talk me into it. I was just like your hubby, dry-heaving when our first dog slobbered when riding in the car, or cleaning up any accidents. I've progressed more than your hubby though. I can now open my dog's mouth and reach in there to pull stuff out, and cleaning up accidents and throw-up is all in a day's work! (but I still call my hubby if there's a big spider in the house)


Friday 3rd of August 2018

Ha! I never would of guessed that about you Jan! Hey, I call when hubby when there's a spider in the house too. Also when there's a snake in the yard but otherwise I handle all the rodents. Hahaha

M. K. Clinton

Monday 30th of July 2018

This made my day! I'm sure that I'll be chuckling to myself for several more hours. BOL!


Sunday 29th of July 2018

I laughed out loud, thanks for that!

Tails Around the Ranch

Sunday 29th of July 2018

I'm sorry, I laughed. Out loud. Your husband may be good with Newfs but would probably flunk out of mom school. ? (early) Congrats on your union.


Friday 3rd of August 2018

Hahaha. As long as it doesn't involve vomit he's pretty good. One day my when my daughter was little she painted her walls and crib with poop and he cleaned it up!

Shadow's & Ducky's Mom

Sunday 29th of July 2018

?? I LOVE this post, Jen! You made me laugh out loud, sitting here in the backyard with the girls. What is it about men and taking care of the animals who are part of their families?? My hubby gets squeamish when one of the girls gets sick or has "poop issues". (Thank goodness neither one did during the entire 3-1/2 months I was in Florida helping my brother!)


Friday 3rd of August 2018

Hahaha. I have no idea! When our kids were little and they would puke and I wasn't home he would call his mom over to clean it up. Most of the time she was cleaning up his vomit too!

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