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Odin’s First Halloween Costume!

I wasn’t going to do a Halloween costume for Odin this year because I didn’t know how he would react to it. 

I didn’t want him to cause him any anxiety and I most certainly didn’t want him to start having second thoughts about me. 

I mean, we just met and I need him to be fully invested before I start showing my unbalanced side. 

But when I walked into the Dollar Store this past weekend and saw this shield on the rack I had to grab it. 

It had Odin’s name written all over it and after all, he is named after a god.

landseer newfoundland dressed as knight in shining armor

So I bought it and I grabbed some tiny swords, a helmet, and a black tablecloth too. 

If it was a bust, it was only a $3 bust because the tablecloth wouldn’t go to waste. 

I wasn’t going to try and attempt anything until next weekend but the anticipation was killing me so I began to plot my costume attack. 

I knew that Odin wasn’t a fan of hats so the helmet would be my biggest challenge but I also knew that he was very connected to the chicken cutlets we had the night before for dinner so I had that going for me. 

landseer newfoundland in costume

I knew I had to move fast. I had maybe a 3 minutes window because I only saved so much chicken to bribe him. 

He actually loved the shield and he pranced around the house with it like it was made for him. 

The tablecloth was cut very badly by myself and wrapped around like a cloak. 

I forgot the swords but eh, they were too small anyway. 

landseer newfoundland dresed up for Halloween


The helmet stayed on for a fraction of a second, just long enough to take 3 pictures, but he pranced around with the shield on for nearly 20 minutes. 

So here we have Odin, the god of wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, and sorcery. (minus the missing eye and white beard)

Or, my knight in shining in armor. 

I can’t make up my mind because both characters fit him perfectly and he looks so handsome and noble. 

We kept it simple and fast but Odin did good for his first costume and I think there might be a future in this for him but only time will tell!

Sharing is caring!

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Melissa and Kai

Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

I love it ❤️🐾❤️


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Thank you Melissa <3

Holly Mitchell

Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

That's awesome!!


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Thanks Holly!

Michelle Spayde

Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

"I mean, we just meant and I need him to be fully invested before I start showing my unbalanced side. " OMG, I nearly choked on my coffee, lol! Handsome and adorable all at the same time!


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Seriously, I don't want to scare him away. Lol!


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

that is PERFECT!!


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Thanks Caren! He's such a good boy!

Susan Brooks

Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Jen, You’re the best! Odin looks dashing 😍


Tuesday 22nd of October 2019

Thanks Susan! Odin is such a rockstar!

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