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National Pet Fire Safety Day. Leeo Smart Alert Helps Protect Your Pets From Fires And More!


I don’t know about you but one of my biggest fears is our house catching on fire when we are away from home.

I triple check the house before I leave for long periods of time. Curling iron off? Stove off? Dryer off? Is that smoke I smell?

But let’s face it, no matter how careful I am, a fire can start.

So I make sure that I have the sign on my front window that lists how many pets we have in the house and where they most likely can be found in case of a fire. (Read why those window clings might not be your best course of action HERE)

I have a smoke detector.

But what good is a smoke detector that goes off when I’m not home.

Not very, right?

That’s why I’m seriously in love with my Leeo.


No. Leeo’s not my secret lover, he’s better.

He’s the device the smart alert that keeps Sherman and Leroy safe when I’m not home.

He’s my ears in case there’s something not quite right with the house.

I love him.

I met Leeo about a year ago when I first reviewed him here on the blog.

I liked him a lot back then but now I love him.

He’s alerted me more than once, actually 4 times to be exact.

Thankfully 3 of those times were false alarms and Leeo went off due to the heat of the oven.

But he alerted me every time.

First the alert came through on my app, then he called my cell phone, played the recorded smoke alarm that he captured, asked me if it was a false alarm or if I needed to be connected to the local fire department. Then we said goodbye.

He also sent me a text and an email.

My husband and I joke now every time the alarm goes off.

“Leeo’s going to call you in 3,2,1.”

Leeo also alerted me last month when our power went out. (He sends a push notification that Leeo has lost connectivity)

I was at Bobby’s baseball game and I received a text that Leeo had lost power.

Oh no.

So I called my husband and asked if the power went out.

A little surprised he said,  “Yes, how did you know?”

“Leeo told me.” I said with a smile.

“That tattletale.”  he said laughing.


I was surprised too.

And I loved Leeo a little more after that because what if the power goes out on a hot summer day when I’m not home and the boys are left with no air conditioning?

I need that information.

The Leeo Smart Alert can also alert you if your home’s temperature and humidity goes above or below your set threshold.

He can also listen for water and flood alarms!

Leeo Smart Alert Helps Protect Your Pets

Can you see why I’m in love?

So in honor of tomorrow being National Pet Fire Safety Day, we want to give the Leeo Smart Alert a chance to protect your pet’s too. I can’t be responsible if you fall in love him though.

Just enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!

The Leeo Smart Alert can also be purchased from Amazon or Best Buy.

p.s. I don’t know if Leeo is a man or a woman. His name suggests that he’s a man but the recorded voice that calls me has always been a woman.

p.p.s Check out the full review of the Leeo Smart Alert that we did last year to get more information. And check out this testimonial from Terry McClure that shares how the Leeo Smart Alert notified her that her smoke detector was going off when she wasn’t home.

*Disclosure-this post has affiliate links. I was not compensated for this post. I just really like the product.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Jan K

Monday 18th of July 2016

I love that it notifies you in 3 different ways. We don't get the greatest cell reception where I work, but we have WiFi so if the call or text didn't come through then the email would. Great product, I always hate leaving the crew mostly because of the worry of fire!!


Monday 18th of July 2016

How cool Jen! You shared many of the worries I have when I leave my dogs at home. I especially worry the air conditioning will go out and my pets will get too hot in the heat. I really want a Leeo!


Sunday 17th of July 2016

Great post. This is so cool!

Tenacious Little Terrier

Friday 15th of July 2016

I love how it alerts you about the smoke alarm going off. Both the boyfriend and I work a distance away from home so it's a concern.


Friday 15th of July 2016

That sounds really cool. Do you know if it can be connected to other smarthome devices?


Friday 15th of July 2016

This is what I pulled from the website:

iPhone 4S or later running iOS 8+ or an Android phone with Bluetooth 4.0 and running 4.3+, In-home WiFi, U.S. residence address and ten digit phone number and Free iOS or Android app

It"s IFTTT so it works with 332 channels and can also work with Google Drive, Scout Alarm, LIFX and mor. You can visit this link : to check out more :)

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