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A Natural Solution For My Dog’s Stinky Breath

*This post is sponsored by Suchgood. I have been compensated for sharing my experience with this product, but keep in mind that I only endorse products that we actually use.  All opinions are expressed here are my own.


A Natural Solution For My Dog's Stinky Breath

Keeping this handsome face happy and healthy is important to me. 

It’s the very least I can do to repay him for all that he’s done in the short time that he’s been with me. 

However, with the little history that I have on him, I still worry that somewhere down the line something is going to pop up. 

Sure, I know all about common health problems that Newfies are prone to but what about genetic health problems?

Those I don’t know so all I can do is be proactive and stay on top of what I know.

One of those things is dental health. 

I had pretty good luck maintaining Sherman’s and Leroy’s dental health throughout their long lives by starting early and keeping at it so that’s the plan I’m taking with Odin. 

A Natural Solution For My Dog's Stinky Breath

I started brushing Odin’s teeth the first week that we adopted him and while he wasn’t the biggest fan, he’s grown to accept it. 

However, even though we have a regular routine of brushing his teeth 3 days a week, Odin produces some stinky breath. 

Since he’s a velcro Newfie, I get that hot stink breathed onto my face all day long. 

Don’t worry, I don’t offend him and tell him that his hot stinky beath makes me want to vomit, instead, I just add a capful natural water additive to his water bowl and he doesn’t even know!

Suchgood Advanced Tarter Control for Dogs and Cats is the product that I’ve been using for the last month and it makes Odin’s bad dog breath SO much better. 

Not only does Suchgood help fight bad breath but it also combats plaque buildup on O’s teeth and gums and it removes tartar naturally, without any harmful chemicals to effectively balance the oral biome and promote overall wellness.​

Basically, it makes Odin’s breath smell better and helps to keep his teeth healthy and clean. 

What Causes Stinky Dog Breath?

The most common causes of stinky dog breath are bad oral hygiene and periodontal (dental) disease. 

If you don’t brush your dog’s teeth on a regular basis or if they aren’t a regular chewer, they will get develop a build-up of plaque and tartar. 

This build-up leads to a buildup of bacteria that can cause your dog to have bad breath.

If not addressed, this bacteria can lead to dental disease making stinky dog breath even worse!

Other causes of stinky dog breath can be caused by a pet’s diet, diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease. 

A Natural Solution For My Dog's Stinky Breath

Take Control Of Your Pet’s Bad Breath

If your pet has bad breath you should first speak to your veterinarian to rule out any of the conditions listed above. 

If your pet’s stinky breath is due to bad dental health, speak to your veterinarian about implementing a dental routine. 

Common dental routines for a dog normally include brushing their teeth at least 3 times a week, using a natural water additive, feeding a balanced diet and offering dental chews. 

More About Suchgood

Suchgood is a new brand designed especially for pet parents seeking an effective, simple method of safeguarding their pets’ oral health.

Suchgood delivers holistic pet oral care products that are clinically proven, all-natural and made in the USA. 

A Natural Solution For My Dog's Stinky Breath

It’s simple, just add a capful of an all-natural Suchgood water additive to your pet’s water bowl each time you fill it!

There are 3 lines of Suchgood’s natural water additive for pets: Orginal, Advanced and Sensitive and all of them have no flavor and no odr so your pet won’t know that they’re in the water bowl. 

Suchgood also makes a great dental spray that I’ve been using regularly. All you do is spray it on your pet’s gum line twice a day and it neutralizes mouth odor and instantly freshens their breath. 


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