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Best Drool Bibs For Dogs That Slobber

Looking for a dog bib for your favorite drooler? 

There are several places where you can get drool bibs for dogs of all breeds and sizes!

Why a Drool Bib?

If you have one of the 10 dog breeds that are rated A+ droolers, you probably already know the why but in case to new to the world of double shoe strings, floogers and the famous wrap-around string of love, drool bibs are a great way to catch slobber that drips from those juicy jowls

They keep the chest clean and can help prevent that sour odor that can sometimes build up.

2 Newfies wearing cute dog drool bibs

They work great when you’re out and about and carrying a big drool towel around isn’t an option. 

They’re adorable and most of them can be customized however you want! 

You can have holiday ones, funny ones, nametags, or breed-related drool bibs!

newfie puppy wearing drool bib

Puppy bib by

Are Dog Drool Bibs Supposed to Catch Slobber Or Wipe It?

A valid question asked by many!

My experience is a little of both but mainly to catch the drool before it splatters on the floor. 

The wiping comes in handy when a towel isn’t nearby but sometimes, depending on the slobber consistency, they can smear the drool creating a serious slobber face. 


Options Other Than Drool Bibs To Wipe The Slobber. 

If drool bibs aren’t your dog’s thing you can always use the good ‘ol standby of a hand towel, beach towel or bath towel. 

Microfiber cloths also make a great drool wiper according to many Newfoundland owners. 

It’s important to mention that if you decide to go with a drool bib, these are meant to be worn for only short periods of time.

If the bib gets soaking wet it should be removed because it can soak the skin and coat which could make for a musty smell plus provide a perfect place for yeaast to grow. 

Dog Breeds That May Benefit From A Drool Bib

Let’s face it, any dog has the ability to drool but some breeds do it better and in larger volume than others.

The Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Mastiff (all varieties), Bulldog, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Bloodhound, Bernese Moutain Dog, and Boxers are some of the most drool-producing breeds but I’ve also seen those Labs and Goldens create some pretty amazing strings of love too!

Lou’s puppy drool bib is from Etsy

Where To Get A Drool Bib For Your Dog

Designs by 2Paws offer dog bibs for many different occasions, holidays, sizes and breeds.

She will also do custom order bibs. 

Big Gentle Dogs has a HUGE selection of dog bibs and also takes custom orders. 

halloween drool bibs

Halloween Drool Bibs by Designs by 2 Paws

Mak’s Wag n’  Wear offers custom embroidery on apparel.

Grooming table covers.

Bibs for your large drooling dog.

Slings to help your aging pet get around and they do all breeds of dogs.

dog bib

Honey Bear Dog Bib From offers adorable pre-designed bibs for many occasions and she will also do custom orders per request. 

Drooliscious Bibs offer handmade, personalized bibs, cloths, towels and throws for the giant droolers. They are located in the UK and ship to the U.S.

Lucky Dogs offer adorable handmade bibs and collars for dogs and cats. 

Piper and Gran the best Giant dog drool bibs, best for Newfoundland dog, Bernese mountain dog, Saint bernard, and other Giant dog breeds prone to drooling.

Over 30 styles to choose from.

Caroline’s Creation on Etsy has a lot of adorable designs for all seasons and you can personalize them.

They are located in the UK so allow plenty of time for the creation of the bib and shipping. 

Dog bib from Designs by 2 Paws

These dog drool bibs are handmade and can be personalized.

You can also find many custom designs on Etsy and some Newfoundland owners make them. 

One thing to keep in mind when ordering dog bibs is that not all designs are made and ready to ship so if you’re ordering a holiday dog bib, allow plenty of time. 

This year I ordered our pumpkin bins the day after 4th of July because there’s a 6 to 8 weeks window for special orders. 


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Sunday 9th of July 2023

what joint supplement do large dog owners recommend?

Tails Around the Ranch

Thursday 7th of November 2019

This is hilarious. When I used to own Old English Sheepdogs, I thought about hanging mini troughs around their heads. Mopping floors was a full time job so I empathize with you.


Sunday 17th of November 2019

Hahaha! That just made me think of those bibs they have for babies today that are plastic and curve at the end to catch all the food. Someones needs to make one of those for dogs!


Thursday 7th of November 2019

Our trainer suggested a drool bib for Moses when he shook his head during class and she got a direct hit to the face with a slobber bomb! So much easier than carrying a towel during training when you've got a leash and treats in your hand. :-)


Sunday 17th of November 2019

Hahahaha. I would have loved to of been there to see the look on the trainer's face!

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